Baby Teeth

Baby teeth are critical to your child's long-term oral health. They help children eat, speak, and keep their jaw aligned by providing space for when their permanent teeth come in.

When Do Babies Start Teething?

Babies are born with all 20 primary teeth below their gum line, with 10 teeth on the bottom and 10 on the top. On average, babies will get their first tooth anywhere from 6 to 12 months but there is no specific age when teething starts. The first teeth that usually erupt are the top and bottom front two teeth. When your baby’s first tooth comes in, they likely will have sore/tender gums, causing them to be more fussy. Most children will have all of their primary teeth by the age of 3.

If your child has their first tooth or it’s nearing their first birthday, they should have their first visit to the dentist. Our experienced team of pediatric dental professionals would love to see your child for their first visit! Call to schedule you child’s visit today!

diagram of the rows of baby teeth and the numbers correlating to when the teeth erupt
  • What are common teething symptoms?

    Every child is different, as are their responses when they start teething. Below are some common symptoms you’ll notice if your baby is already teething or is likely to start soon:

    • swollen gums
    • increased irritability and crying
    • increased drooling
    • less desire to eat solid foods
    • biting and chewing
    • bringing their hands to their mouth
    • cheek rubbing and ear pulling
    • disturbed sleep

    Symptoms that are not associated with teething:

    • fever (higher than 101 F)
    • cough and congestion
    • diarrhea
    • vomiting

    If your child is experiencing any of the above symptoms not associated with teething, they should see their pediatrician.

  • When should I start brushing my child's teeth?

    Parents commonly wonder when to start brushing baby teeth. We recommend that you start brushing their baby teeth as soon as their first tooth comes in. Brush their teeth twice a day, using a small amount of toothpaste—approximately the size of a grain of rice. It is important to keep baby teeth cavity-free. The bacteria that causes cavities in baby teeth stay in the mouth and can cause cavities in permanent teeth.

    Just because baby teeth will eventually fall out, doesn’t mean that they’re not important. Not only do baby teeth help kids eat and speak, they also hold space in the jawline where permanent teeth will come in.

    You can help care for your child’s mouth before their teeth come in by wiping your baby’s gums after each feeding and before bedtime, and avoiding cleaning pacifiers with your mouth.

More Questions?

If you have more questions about baby teeth, please contact our office, and we will be happy to discuss further.

Link Dental Excellence

10826 Venice Blvd., Ste 101
Culver City, CA, 90232
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Monday: 9am - 6pm
Tuesday: 9am - 6pm
Wednesday: 9am - 6pm
Thursday: 9am - 6pm
Friday: 9am - 6pm



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